Keynote 2 : Kubecon India 2024
Shopify has very large scale deployment with AI use cases algorithm :
- Vector relations of products.
- Credit Card frauds
- Many GPUs
* GPU utilization v/s developer productivity is trade off.
1. Build v/s buy
2. Dev experience : skypilot and rocket ML
Shadow role in K8s release team is best place to start contributing at K8s
Cato is for AI. This is another good place to start with.
He showed many Indian architectures like Taj Mahal (Agra), Jantar Mantar (Jaipur) and inspire Indian to have largest contributors in the world
TajMahal also built with diversity.
Conscious and continuous effort for diversity is invisible, important.
Now many meetings started and will start in APAC friendly timezone
Very hard to justify open source contribution to employer.
Contributors shall be move to maintainers.
2014 Stateless
2017 Stateful
2019 Serverless
2023 AI
Cloud Native AI (CNAI) working group : Streamline the integration of AI with cloud native ecosystem.
Whitepaper CNAI
CN is ideal platform for AI
- Cost efficiency
- Scalability
- Containerization
- Harmony among dev, test, staging and production
- High Availability
- Microservice Architecture
CNAI from 3 perspective
1. K8s:
- DRA Dynamic Resource Allocation. inspired by PV/PVC (1.26, 1.32 beta)
2. ML engineers
- Kubeflow has many projects for different use cases
- Queue for ML batch processing
3. App Developer
- OPEA - Open Platform for Enterprise AI
1. Data Prep
2. Embedding *
3. LLM/SLM *
4. Vector DB *
6. Receiver
7. Reranking
* OPEA provides recipes for all options. 20+ GenAI recipes
They are validated at Intel, ARM, AMD architecture
MongoDB / Neo4J Graph Database. no need of Vector DB.
Minio is common data layer
OPEA is available on Azure, AWS
CNAI has its own landscape on CNCF website
- Scheduling
- Security
- Sustainability
AI Playground validate OPEA samples on ARM with free Oracle Credit. CNAI needs people.
1980 data Spreadsheet
1990 Information DataBase
2000 Knowledge Data Warehouse
2010 Insight Analytics (Hadoop, Spark)
2020 Intelligence AIML
2025+ Action Agents
- Agents Apps
- GenAI OS
- LLM Kernel
1. Decision Making
2. Memory
3. Reasoning
4. Action
Container - Agent
OCI runtime - LLM
Deterministic Logic - Adaptive Logic
stateless by default - stateful by nature
static resource limit - dynamic resource
Identical replicas - Unique instance
Docker run -> compose -> K8s
Agent -> Multiple agents that needs orchestration. Here K8s fits
K8s is universal control plane for VM, DB, Iot edge, docker, WA. Agent will be yet another workload type.
Arch : Agent Operator
1. Agent controller
2. Schedular
3. CR
LLM will tell Agent Controller what agent to create.
Agent CR YAML will have Task, model, memory, tools, person
AI : Crewai, metaflow, airflow,
CN: Argo, dapar, Numaflow, KServe (came out of Kubeflow)
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