
 1. integrated developer portal

2. convert a set of API into product: R/W access, rate per second, and how to use it. mix and match methods, operatoins from different APIs. code as pricing model. bronze/silver/gold customer. break out APIs in different packages. 

3. Security

out of box policy

- authentication

- authorization

- rate limit

- spikers

- JSON based threat

- XML based threat

- use other Google cloud tool

-- cloud armor for DDoS

   It sops absuive or bot traffic ASAP, before it enters into system. 

New Advance API security feature 

- Identify mis configured API. 

-- security score for API

-- recommended action

-- abuse of API detection

-- API security dashboard for quick investigation and resolution

- Bot detection: API traffic pattern

4. Application Integration : 50+ connectors to 3rd party services,

API hub: API catalogue and API LCM

5. Measure and tune APIs: Analytic

6. engage and innovate with partner to create digital eco system. 

7. full API LCM platform

- builder façade

- caching

Refernece: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfJoQAKoQiM