Network Automation

Telecom Networks are complex due to multi layer, multi vendor

N/w Management -> SDN -> Intent Based Networking (programable and declarative) -> Cloud Native Networking

Earlier Monolithic NMS with FCAPS

Now : CICD, Microservice, K8s. 

NSP (N/s Service Platform) is for IP and optical domain

It has API (OpenAPI Spec). 

Model-driven mediation

Framework has orchestration 

Contributed by Nokia: Kubenet, gNMIc, SDCIO

1. Unified Artifactory Manager Component

It uses Kubespray

UAM creates CRs. CRs are consumed by deployer. Deployer is short lived job. 

2. Telemetry: 

A: internal NSP components

B: External system

Four Core Principle

1. Model driven

2. Vendor & Mediation Agnostic

3. Horizontal scale

4. Resilent

Six Layers

6. Analytics and optimization layer

5. o/p / storage layer : Kafka

3.and 4 make it model driven

4. Normalization Layer

3. Mapping layer

2. Collector layer (SNMP, gNMI) 

1. N/w layer


UAM, Restconf GW

source : from network using SNMP, gNMI

Sink: influxDB, Prm, VErtica, Kafka, PostgreSQL, File

Source and Sink are connected using NATS. NATS also connected with multiple transform worker using transformer CR from UAM


1. single mode

2. CLI mode (auto complete option)

3. cluster mode (more replica. one is leader). 

Kubenet and SDCIO

declarative model and event driven reconciliation. It is more n/w automation using K8s. Gitops principle. 


SDCIO Schema Driven Configuration. 

IPAM etc are CRD to build abstract network configuration. 

Config CR and ConfigSet CR, RunningConfig, UnmanagedConfig. It has different backend own etcd. 

YANG by schema server. 


BNG, CUPS specific implementation 

Kubenet Nephio are solving same problem? May be overlap. 

APIs for sink? customer provides sink. 

Kubenet is automation. more than NMS

Slide 21: Cisco Prime


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