Service Continuity in 5G
There is no inter cluster redundancy by K8s. We need to use proprietary solution OR cloud.
In telecom a component is connected with multiple. E.g vCU with vDU, EMS, 5GC
Sync Driver
GRAF framework with AI, Management Data analytics function(MDAF), policy driven
A1 interface is better than MDAF. As MDAF is at core network. it will add latency.
Nephio : open source project : LF + Google
Automate LCM of cloud infra and NF. Intent based declarative approach
LinkedIN : saurabhswaraj
GitOps based approach
1. N/w driver is GR aware
2. DB drive sync 2 MySQL
YAML PV and DB table synch
Each cluster has GRAPH controller
We can have several other use cases also
GRAPH is framework. We can develop our own driver.
GRAPH f/w = Redundancy Manager at Orchestrator + GRAPH controller at each cluster
Based on CRD, different driver will be deployed at each K8s cluster.
Still GRAPH is not open source. It is in process for open source. At present it is in R&D stage.
GRAPH can work with many orchestrator including Nephio
All DB has Replication Manager. Why do we need DB drive? DB drive is not novelty. Our novelty is framework.
Policy based, when failed comes up again, what will happen.
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