पतंजलि योग सूत्र २. साधन पाद:
The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali is a collection of Sanskrit sutras (aphorisms) on the theory and practice of yoga
It has four section.
This blog post is on 2nd section. SAADHAN PAAD: and few initial SUTRA from 3rd section VIBHUTI PAADA:
What is क्रिया-योग: ?
1. तपः,
2. स्वाध्याय
3. ईश्वर-प्रणिधान
Why क्रिया-योग: ?
1. समाधि भावना
2. क्लेश तनू
What are क्लेश ?
1. अविद्या
* Root cause of other 3
* Considering
- अनित्य as नित्य
- अशुचि as शुचि
- दुःख as सुख
- अनात्म as आत्म-ख्याति:
2. अस्मिता : दृक् दर्शन शक्त्यो: एकात्मता
3. राग : सुख अनुशयी Promises happiness
4. द्वेष : दुःख अनुशयी
5. अभिनिवेश:
We shall get rid of क्लेश by प्रतिप्रसव = चित्त को अपने कारण में विलीन करने के साधन
We shall get rid of वृत्ति by ध्यान
If root of क्लेश remains then we get
- 1. जाति - जन्म,
- 2. आयु: - आयु
- 3. भोग:
as per KARMA-FAL
द्रष्टा is दृशिमात्रः शुद्ध: अपि प्रत्यय: अनुपश्यः
So our observation, perception and expressions are disturbed. So cool down, slow down. Aggression is counter productive to realization.
गुण पर्वाणि ( अवस्था )
1. विशेष : पांच ज्ञानेंद्रियों, पांच कर्मेन्द्रियों, मन, एवं पृथ्वी आदि पांच स्थूल भूतों
2. अविशेष : पांच तन्मात्राओं एवं अहंकार
3. लिङ्गमात्र : महत्तत्व या बुद्धि
4. अलिङ्ग : सत्त्व, रजस और तमस की साम्यावस्था
We feel satisfaction between two desires
1. Ahimsa = Non violence in speech, word and action
2. Satya = Truth = Recognizing everything is changing, speaking the truth
3. Asteya = Not stealing - Not even wanting to possess others' good qualities
4. Brahmacharya = Celibacy - walking in Brahman, moderation for householders, abstinence for single people
5. Aparigraha = non accumulation - not accepting praise or blame too
1. Shaucha = cleanliness
2. Santosha = Contentment
3. Tapas = Willingly going through difficult situation
4. Swadhyaya = Study of Self, Who am I?
5. Ishwarapranidhana = surrender
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