DevOps Meetup - 8th June, 2024

Key Takeaway points

O11y = Observability = logs (e.g. FluentD) + Metrics (Prometheus) + Traces (Jaeger) 

OTel = OpenTelemetry. OTel is CNCF specs for generation, collection and export of O11y. There are OTel API, OTel SDK, OTel auto instrumentation and Tools. 

OTel auto instrumentation has different maturity for different programming language. With OTel auto instrumentation, no need to modify existing code and yet we can integrate with OTel collector. 

Even we can pass B3 headers (for trace, span etc) header from incoming message to outgoing message, without modifying code. Nowadays, log message also contains trace ID and span ID. 

OTel Collector can collect data from K8s, L7Proxy, Cloud and shared infrastructure. OTel Collector emits the data towards Prometheus (for metrics), Grafana Loki (for log) and Grafana Tempo (for distributed tracing). OTel collector has three components (1) Receiver (2) Processor and (3) exporter. Yes the exporter can export to multiple endpoints. 

OTel collector can be deployed as sidecar container. We can have custom OTel collector also. 


Kapacitor is an open source data processing framework that makes it easy to create alerts, run ETL jobs and detect anomalies. Kapacitor is a native data processing engine for InfluxDB

Ansible can be used to install minikube


Zabbix is enterprise class open source monitoring solution for network monitoring and application monitoring


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