KubeCon CloudNativeCon Europe 2020 Virtual : Keynote addresses day 2

K8s Project Update

K8s 1.18

- Raw block device support

- generic data populated volume 

- CSI on Windows

- HPA controls: rate of scale in and scale down

- kubectl debug. ephemeral container

- API server : API priority

- Node topology manager 

- IPv6


- DryRun and kubectl diff on server side

K8s 1.19

- Generic ephemeral volumes, like emptyDir

- IPv6 on Windows

- kubectl alpha debug for node, in node's host namespace

- Initial support for cgroups V2



razee.io : Multicluster CD tool. Automate deployment of 1000s of clusters. Same small SRE team for 24000 clusters




- kubesprwal

- under utilized cluster

- noisy neighbors

- cluster scope CRD, even namespace scope CRD available

- zombie workload

Possible solutions: 

Create K8s cluster with expiry date. It can be extended, but expiry date is needed

GitOps, we can destroy cluster, get it back with infrastructure as a code. It is good for disaster recovery also.

Let's have innovation around creating a tool to support better utilisation of cluster and de-zombification.  


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