Ashaadhsya Prathame Divase

Today is RathaYatra festival in our India. Yesterday was also a special day. It was first day of month of ASHAADH as per Hindu calendar. Kalidas - a renowned classical Sanskrit writer - wrote in his lyrics poem Meghadūta ("Cloud Messenger") about this day. A YAKSHA, request cloud to convey a message to his wife on this first day of ASHAADH month. He described Alkanagari city to cloud, so the cloud can locate it easily. There was no GPS at that time. :)

So this day, inspired me to write a Gujarati poem with title “ASHAADHSYA PRATHAM DIVASE” (On the first day of month ASHAADH).

You can enjoy it by clicking here.

For non-Gujarati readers, here is the summary:

I want to remind you about Kalidas’s
Meghadūta ("Cloud Messenger") associate with today. Those days, lovers were using cloud as messenger. In the block buster bollywood movie named “Maine Pyaar Kiya” a pigeon is used. Today everyone has mobiles, yet, lovers like that fantasy of using cloud as messenger. However, sometimes, the lovers may talk more with silence and is there any need of such communication methods?

Shiva = Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh…. waaahhh!


See in all languages and cultures around the world, when someone says Shhhhhhhh… people go quiet. Shhhhhhhhhhhh… be silent, be quiet…

And when you really like something you say “waah…!” , wow!… The universal way of appreciating something is waah! In all cultures, languages and traditions around the world, when you like something you say “Waah!”

And so, when you are silent hushed, and you love it, then you have found that quiet corner in yourself… you have experienced Shhhhhhhh…waah!!!

The essence of Shiva, who is quiet, meditative and blissful!

-Sri Sri Ravishankar

Image: Shiva Temple, KempFort (Now Total shopping mall), MurugeshPaliya, Bangalore, India




Best from the Waste

Have a look to this nice butterfly. It is created out of colorful paper cups. My blog template also has butterfly image. So I captured this image to upload it here.

How is it?

Venue: Forum shopping mall, Kormanagala, Bangalore, India