minikube kubeconfig

  • from .kube/config file, extract  cluster.certificate-authority-data| base64 -d > ca.crt

openssl x509 -in ca.crt -text -noout > ca.crt.decode

From ca.crt.decode:

Issuer: CN = minikubeCA

Subject: CN = minikubeCA

  • from .kube/config file, extract  user.user. client-certificate-data | base64 -d > client.crt

openssl x509 -in client.crt -text -noout > client.crt.decode

From client.crt.decode

Issuer: CN = minikubeCA

Subject: O = system:masters, CN = kubernetes-admin

CKS Tips

1. Shortcut 

export do="--dry-run=client -o yaml"    # k get pod x $do
export now="--force --grace-period 0"   # k delete pod x $now
alias kn="k -n "namespace name""

2. VIM related

2.1 edit ~/.vimrc

set ts=2
set et
set sw=2
set nu

2.2 To search in vi "/var/lib"

We should issue comman

Here \ is used as special character 

2.3 To change last word of line

use "$" to go end of line
then move one word back using "b"
then "cw" to change word.
If needed use "c$" to remove and replace till end of line. 

3. How to create pod, without YAML

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx  --dry-run=client -o yaml > pod.yaml

4.If we have file with name a.txt and its sha512. then steps:

1. first create and open file a.txt.sha512
2. enter value of sha512
3. add two times space
4. add file name. here it is a.txt
5. close a.txt.sha512 file
6. run command: sha512sum -c a.txt.sha512

5. OPA and gatekeeper. We can list constraint with 

k get constraint
NAME                                                           AGE   10m   10m

Now, Here first part is constraint template and second part is constraint. So we can edit / view constraint 

k get blacklistimages pod-trusted-images -o yaml
k get requiredlabels namespace-mandatory-labels  -o yaml

To get template

k get constrainttemplate

Instead of typing such long spelling, easy way

1. k get crd
Then copy paste
2. k get

6. To find image

k get po -o=custom-columns=Image:"spec.containers[*].image"

k get po -o=custom-columns=Name:"",Image:"spec.containers[0].image"

7. Useful command to set namespace

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace="namespace"

8. To install appArmor profile, we shall use
sudo apparmor_parser -q

sudo apparmot_status
will provide list of all profiles: loaded, complain mode, enforce mode
9. Mount secret as volume

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: mypod
  - name: mypod
    image: redis
    - name: foo
      mountPath: "/etc/foo"
      readOnly: true
  - name: foo
      secretName: mysecret

10. securityContext.capabilities is only for container, not for pod

11. securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem is only for container, not for pod. Here we should use word "Root" and s is small in system.

12. Instead of applying (1) label to node and (2) then use nodeSelector, we can use nodeName in pod spec. 


  nodeName: cluster1-worker2 # add

13. To run command inside pod and take its output to outside pod. here the final command to be run inside the pod should be at the end. 

k -n team-purple exec gvisor-test > /opt/course/10/gvisor-test-dmesg -- dmesg

14. To run etcdctl

14.1. start with

14.2. Check input parameter of api server at master node
cat /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml | grep etcd

14.3. Now do mapping. parameter value in kube-apiserver.yaml to input argument for etcd
--etcd-cafile  mapped to --cacert
--etcd-certfile mapped to --cert
--etcd-keyfile mapped to --key

14.4. then add below to command
get /registry/"k8s resource type"/"namespace name"/"k8s resource name"

So the complete command will be:

ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --cacert "Path as per --etcd-certfile" --cert "path as per --etcd-certfile" --key "path as per --etcd-keyfile" get /registry/"K8s resource typ"/"name of the namespace"/"name of k8s resource"

There is no "=" for option/argument and value.

For details on Minikube please refer:

15. For any pod, if automountServiceAccountToken is true OR not false OR absent, then we can log in to that pod. Whatever that pod has access, as per its SA, same we can get as follows. 

15.1. Its SA token is located/mounted inside pod
15.2. We can use this token as Bearer HTTP header. 
15.3. We can form URI = https://kubernetes.default/api/v1/namespaces/"name of namespace/"k8s resource type"/"k8s resource name"
Here namespaces is plural.
15.4. we should add -k option to curl command

So complete command will be
curl https://kubernetes.default/api/v1/namespaces/"name of namespace/"k8s resource type"/"k8s resource name" -H "Authorization
: Bearer $(cat /run/secrets/" -k

See the difference

etcdctl: /registry/"k8s resource type"/"namespace name"/"k8s resource name"

curl URL: /api/v1/namespaces/"name of namespace/"k8s resource type"/"k8s resource name"

In short: 
etcdctl : first K8s resource then NS
curl URL: first NS then K8s resource. we need additional "namespaces"

16. If secret is mounted as volume or as ENV variable, then also we can access it using exec inside pod. 

17. TLS type secret

kubectl create secret tls my-tls-secret \
  --cert=path/to/cert/file \

* This TLS type secret we can use in ingress resource

  - hosts:
    secretName: testsecret-tls

Please note: Here both k8s resources (1) ingress and (2) TLS type secret, should belong to same namespace

18. Few useful podman command. Same as docker command

podman build -t "tag or registryFQDN/user/image:version" .
Do not forget last "dot" It indicates PWD. Dockerfile from PWD
One can also mention other path of directory. not path of Dockerfile

podman push "registryFQDN/user/image:version"

19. This command will tell uid, gid and groups (fsgroup)

19.1 id
19.2 cat /etc/passwd

20. Note : all "resources" are always in plural in all k8s api server audit policy file.  e.g. cronjobs, podss etc.

21. We can specify readOnlyRootFileSystem as true inside container securityContext. Then to allow specific path as writeable, mount it as emptyDir

        volumeMounts:                     # add
        - mountPath: /tmp                 # add
          name: temp-vol                  # add
      volumes:                            # add
      - name: temp-vol                    # add
        emptyDir: {}                      # add

22. To upgrade k8s version
* k get node
It give kubelet version

22.1 k corden master --ignore-daemonsets
Note DaemonSet is plural

22.2 now log in to master

22.2.1 first update kubeadm
apt-get install kubeadm=1.x.y-00
Note: there is no V here

Before installing anything, we shall perform
apt-get update

22.2.2 kubeadm upgrade plan
It will suggest next command
22.2.3 kubeadm upgrade apply v1.x.y
Note: Here V is preesent

Now, optionally one can verify the upgrade is successful or not by running same command again
kubeadm upgrade plan

22.2.4 Now upgrade kubelet version
apt-get install kubelet=1.22.1-00
Note: No V here
22.2.5 Now optionally restart kubelet
systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl restart kubelet
22.2.6 exit from master node

22.3 k uncorden master
22.4 Now log in to worker

Here instead of 
22.2.2 kubeadm upgrade plan
22.2.3 kubeadm upgrade apply v1.x.y

We have to use
22.4.1 kubeadm upgrade node

now run same as 22.2.4 to 22.2.6 and update kubelet

22.5 same as 22.3 now uncordon worker
k uncordon worker

Install new kuebadm, kubelet
kubeadm upgrade plan
kubeadm upgrade apply "newVersion"

Same steps, except 2 commands for kubeadm, here only one command
kubeadm upgrade node

23. We should never echo ENV, which is loaded from secret

24. Never put password in plain text in YAML file

25. in DockerFile, if you copy a secret token one command using COPY or ADD. and in second line if you use RUN command and remove using "rm" command, then also it remains in previous layer. Avoid it. 

26. See various command start with 
kubectl config -h

27. To get pod from container ID

27.1 crictl ps --id "container ID"
It will give pod id

27.2 crictl pods --id "pod id"
Note: It is pods , not pod

28. Annotation for apparmor profile.
- for pod it is : metadata.annotations
- for deployment it is: spec.template.metadata.annotations

We can annotate pod using kubectl imperative command. Not possible for deployment 

k annotate pod "pod name" k1=v1 k2=v2 k3=v3

29. In network policy. podSelector applies to target pod and also in rule. namespaceSelector is only for rule. Both selector needs matchLabels. We cannot provide list of pods, by mentioning name of the pods. We can use matchExressions. However matchEpression also works on label k.v pair only. No other attributes like name, image name, container name etc. 

30. Use command c$ to replace from cursor till end of file. VI editor short cut. useful while editing YAML file copied from k8s docs and you wish to change some values. cw is used to change single word. If existing value has - or / then c$ is more useful. 

31. For K8s audit, specify log file path, which already exist. E.g. /var/log/audit.log

32. for k8s audit policy
We need to mention group of resource. Do not include version. To find API group, run the command
k api-resources

33 Specify image

33.1 k run for creating pod

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx -n mynamespace  

33.2 k create to create deployment, job, cronjob

kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx 

33.3 k set image, to upgrade. Only here we use container name. "www" in below example

kubectl set image deployment/frontend www=image:v2

34. CIS 

34.1 report's sections

You can get by runnning command

grep "INFO" "report file name"

1. Control plane

1.1 All config files  /* all file/folder permission and ownership */
1.2 API server
1.3 Controller-Manager
1.4 Scheduler

2. etcd

3. Control plane config

4. Worker node

4.1 worker node config files /* all file/folder permission and ownership */
4.2 kubelet

5. Policies

5.1 RBAC and SA
5.2 PSP
5.3 netpol and CNI
5.4 Secret mgmt
5.5 extensible admission control
5.7 General

34.2 section wise failure

You can get by runnning command

grep "check FAIL" "report file name"

35. To remove duplicate

cat "file name" | uniq

Note: It is uniq, not unique 

36. All the Kind always start with capital letter. Useful while searching audit log

37. RBAC

37.1 Note:
  • system:serviceaccount: (singular) is the prefix for service account usernames.
  • system:serviceaccounts: (plural) is the prefix for service account groups.
37.2 Grant a role to all service accounts in a namespace

kubectl create rolebinding serviceaccounts-view \
  --clusterrole=view \
  --group=system:serviceaccounts:my-namespace \

37.3 Grant a limited role to all service accounts cluster-wide (discouraged)

kubectl create clusterrolebinding serviceaccounts-view \
  --clusterrole=view \

39 Important paths

39.1. SA token inside pod

39.2. Kube-api manifest file at master node.

39.3. seccomp path at worker | master node
In YAML file of pod/deployment we mention 
localhostProfile: profiles/name.json

39.4 All apparmor profile file (not profile) are located at worker node

39.5 For runtime class configuration 

39.5.1 with containerd

39.5.2 with crio
38. module_request in SELinux

K8s. Flow


Security Context and PSP

Security Context

Only for container

allowPrivilegeEscalation: false . It is for setuid and setgid


if (CAP_SYS_ADMIN || Privileged mode) then AllowPrivilegeEscalation = SSeue


          - all
        add: ["MKNOD"]

in PSP we have 


  - '*'


    - ALL


privileged: true avoid it.


procMount: true is for nested container useful for in-cluster build process


readOnlyRootFilesystem: true for immutable container


For container and pod both

container settings will get precedence. 


runAsUser and runAsGroup are runtime configuration. If not defined then UID as per data in image


If runAsNonRoot = True then image should have UID. Same UID should be in host. 



    level: "s0:c123,c456"

we can specify level, role, type, user. They are labels for file, process and ports. They are collectively called called "context" in SELinux terms. 


type = Localhost | Unconfined  | RuntimeDefault 

      type: Localhost
      localhostProfile: profiles/name.json

The actual path of profile: <kubelet-root-dir>/seccomp/profiles/name.json

where kuelet-root-dir = /var/lib/kubelet . 

It is configured with seccomp-profile-root flag for kubelet. This flag is deprecited since 1.19 . If seccomp-profile-root flag is not defined, the default path will be used, which is <root-dir>/seccomp where <root-dir> is specified by the --root-dir flag.

* type: Unconfined means no seccomp profile is applied

* type: RuntimeDefault means same seccomp profile as container runtime default is applied

* type: Localhost, then only, we need to set localhostProfile

We need to use annotation (optional) localhost/profiles/audit.json

Path for seccomp profiles:


Only for Pod


the permission bit will be | with rw-rw----

ownership and permission change recursively for all content in mounted volume as per fsGroup


fsGroupChangePolicy = OnRootMismatch | Always

no impact on emptyDir, secret and configMap

OnRootMismatch: It will save time. The permission and ownership only change if root level folder has mismatch with expected fsGroup. 

If DelegateFSGroupToCSIDriver feature gate is enabled then this is done by CSI driver. CSI driver will not respect fsGroupChangePolicy 



A list of groups applied to the first process run in each container, in addition to the container's primary GID.




Here Discretionary Access Control (DAC) is related fields are: runAsUser, runAsGroup, runAsNonRoot, readOnlyRootFilesystem

Here volume related fields are: fsGroup and seLinuxOptions. We set only level at seLinuxOptions and as per level, labels applies to all containers and volumes. 


Pod's scrutiny attributes. Defined at cluster level. It controls security sensitive aspects of the pod specification. It define a set of conditions that a pod must run with in order to be accepted into the system, as well as defaults for the related fields. 

It (1) restrict pod creation (2) restrict pod update (3) provide default value


- "privileged" container (Privileged Mode). It is part of PSP. But it control container level "security context" 


- host-level ns (network, PID, IPC) "hostPID", "hostIPC", "hostNetwork". If hostPID allowed then container can escalate privilege using ptrace system call.


- host ports "hostPorts"

  - min: 0
    max: 65535

- different types of volumes. E.g. "allowedFlexVolumes" "volumes"


- host's filesystem E.g. "fsGroup"

fsGroup = MustRunAs | MayRunAs | RunAsAny

We shall specify 1+ range if fsGroup = MustRunAs | MayRunAs. In case of MustRunAs the fsGroup at Pod Security Context is set as min value. in case of MayRunAs, the default value for fsGroup at Pod Security Context, is unset


- RO root filesystem for containers (DAC) "readOnlyRootFilesystem"


- user IDs and group IDs (DAC) "runAsUser" "runAsGroup" "supplementalGroups"

runAsUser = MustRunAs | MustRunAsNonRoot | RunAsAny

runAsGroup = MustRunAs | MayRunAs | RunAsAny

supplementalGroups = MustRunAs | MayRunAs | RunAsAny


- containers' privilege escalation "allowPrivilegeEscalation" "defaultAllowPrivilegeEscalation". Here defaultAllowPrivilegeEscalation, set values for allowPrivilegeEscalation, if not set.


- containers' Linux capabilities (Linux Capabilities): "defaultAddCapabilities", "requiredDropCapabilities", "allowedCapabilities"


- SELinux "seLinux"

RunAsAny means: Apparmor is used instead of SELinux. 


- seccomp and AppArmor profiles : using annotations.

If this annotation is not specified then default seccomp cannot be changed


- sysctls that a pod can run: "forbiddenSysctls", "allowedUnsafeSysctls"


- a proc mount type to be used. "allowedProcMountTypes" and "DefaultProcMount"

- "AllowedHostPaths" : As name suggest

    # This allows "/foo", "/foo/", "/foo/bar" etc., but
    # disallows "/fool", "/etc/foo" etc.
    # "/foo/../" is never valid.
    - pathPrefix: "/foo"
      readOnly: true # only allow read-only mounts


PSP Policy Order

1. non-mutating policy in any order

2. mutating policy in alphabetical order of name

Good Reference: 

A Good article:


ASLR Address Space Layout Randomization

DAC Discretionary Access Control 

IMA Integrity Measurement Architecture

MAC Mandatory Access Control

PAM Pluggable Authentication Modules

7. Workload Considerations : Falco

Falco by Sysdigmultiple components (user space program, configuration, driver) working together in order to evaluate system calls against rules, and generate alerts when a rule is broken:

rule has lists. rule can have reference to list. List can be part of macro and other list, in addition to part of rule.

rule has 5 k-v pairs. (1) name, (2) description , (3) condition : Filtering expression for events. (4) output, (5) priority. (emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, informational, debug) 

rule has 4 optional K-v pairs.(1) enabled. default is true (2) tags (filesystem, software_mgmt, process, database, host, shell, container, cis, users, network) . -T option to disable rules with given tag. -t option to enable. (3) warn_evttypes default is true. (4) skip-if-unknown-filter default is false. 5th one added (5) exceptions : a set of conditions that cause the rule to not generate an alert. 

- Falco comes with many rules in /etc/falco/falco_rules.yaml file. They can be overwritten by /etc/falco/falco_rules.local.yaml file. E.g. to disable rule : We can add rule with same name and "append: true" + "enabled: false" 

- evt.dir = < indicates end of system call and evt.dir = > indicates beginning of system call. dir = direction

- We have K8s related context: k8s.[pod | rc | svc | rs | deployment].[name | id \ label | labels] + many fields from K8s audit logs.

with macro part of rule can be re-used. There are many default macros.  

Falco runs with K8s-audit on. So we need to specify audit policy file at API server argument --audit-policy-file

We can configure webhook in API server with this arguement


This YAML file shall define Config kind. 

We can see Falco output with journalctl command.

Reference :