3. Install: Runtime sandbox for container isolation

Traditional container shares host kernel

gVisor has application kernel Sentry to execute system calls, securely.

kata has hardware virtualization to provide kernel per container.

gVisor https://github.com/google/gvisor

- Application kernel (Sentry). It includes Netstack (user space network stack)

- implements OCI runtime runsc

- isolation between app and host kernel (Gofer for access to filesystem) with seccomp

- Each pod is gVisor instance and container inside pod is process. 

- Often used with SELinux or seccomp

- gVisor uses runsc binary instead of runc

- Sentry and Gofer communicates using 9P protocol (common n/w protocol by Bell Labs)

- more overhead to execute system calls using gVisor

Follow steps as per https://sbulav.github.io/certifications/cks-gvisor/ at all worker node. 

We can see on worker node runsc-gopher and runsc-sandbox (santry) processes are running. 

Kata https://katacontainers.io/

Speed of containers and security of VMs

Lightweight VM, plug into container eco system

hypervisors: QEMU, NEMU, Firecracker 

Works with Docker and cri-o architecture. cri-o and containerd engine.

Intel's clear container is now part of kata container.

Kata containers are part of OSF Open Stack Foundation. 

PouchContainer http://pouchcontainer.io/

Open source container engine by Alibaba.

Strong isolation

less runtime overhead

incremental image distribution

cross platform and cross OS

compatible with OCI spec

* Rich container: Can have multiple process + init process. Package fat application easily. 

* Strong isolation: Can create VM

* Compatible with many kernel versions

* P2P image distribution 

Use with K8s: https://github.com/alibaba/pouch/blob/master/docs/kubernetes/pouch_with_kubernetes_deploying.md

Firecracker https://github.com/firecracker-microvm/firecracker-containerd

to manage Firecracker microVM using containerd

Unik https://github.com/solo-io/unik

- Tool to compile app source into unikernels and microVM. Not binaries. 

Unikernels are lightweight, immutable operating systems compiled specifically to run a single application. No ssh/telnet. Mostly no File System. single binary | process | address space | mode, no forked. no shell, so no "shell injection". Less code, so less bug so less likely buffer overflow. 

- Simple docker-like CLI

- Good for IoT smart devices

1. Go code to Firecracker microVM

2. Python, Node.js, Go to rump (rumprun) unikernel

3. Java, Node.js, C, C++ to OSv unikernel

4. C++ to IncludeOS unikernel

5. OCaml to MirageOS unikernel

Supported Providers: Firecracker, Virtualbox, AWS, Google Cloud, vSphere, QEMU, UKVM, Xen, OpenStack, Photon Controller   



Enable at (1) Kube-apiserver and (2) kubelet

High level container runtime containerd support it. (1) cri-o and (2) docker are yet to support custom runtime configuration. 

apiVersion: node.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: RuntimeClass
  name: gvisor
handler: runsc //CRI Configuration 


apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: mypod


  runtimeClassName: gvisor

CRI Configuration 

* dockershim : Default. Does not support runtime handler 

* containerd: [plugins.cri.containerd.runtimes.${HANDLER_NAME}] section at file /etc/containerd/config.toml

Reference: https://github.com/containerd/cri/blob/master/docs/config.md

* cri-o: 


  runtime_path = "${PATH_TO_BINARY}"

section at file /etc/crio/crio.conf

Reference: https://github.com/cri-o/cri-o/blob/master/docs/crio.conf.5.md#crioruntime-table


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