minikube kubeconfig
- from .kube/config file, extract cluster.certificate-authority-data| base64 -d > ca.crt
openssl x509 -in ca.crt -text -noout > ca.crt.decode
From ca.crt.decode:
Issuer: CN = minikubeCA
Subject: CN = minikubeCA
- from .kube/config file, extract user.user. client-certificate-data | base64 -d > client.crt
openssl x509 -in client.crt -text -noout >
From client.crt.decode
Issuer: CN = minikubeCA
Subject: O = system:masters, CN = kubernetes-admin
CKS Tips
1. Shortcut
export now="--force --grace-period 0" # k delete pod x $now
kind: Pod
name: mypod
- name: mypod
image: redis
- name: foo
mountPath: "/etc/foo"
readOnly: true
- name: foo
secretName: mysecret
10. securityContext.capabilities is only for container, not for pod
11. securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem is only for container, not for pod. Here we should use word "Root" and s is small in system.
12. Instead of applying (1) label to node and (2) then use nodeSelector, we can use nodeName in pod spec.
nodeName: cluster1-worker2 # add
13. To run command inside pod and take its output to outside pod. here the final command to be run inside the pod should be at the end.
14. To run etcdctl
cat /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml | grep etcd
14.3. Now do mapping. parameter value in kube-apiserver.yaml to input argument for etcd
--etcd-certfile mapped to --cert
--etcd-keyfile mapped to --key
(singular) is the prefix for service account usernames.system:serviceaccounts:
(plural) is the prefix for service account groups.
K8s. Flow
Security Context and PSP
Security Context
Only for container
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false . It is for setuid and setgid
if (CAP_SYS_ADMIN || Privileged mode) then AllowPrivilegeEscalation = SSeue
- all
add: ["MKNOD"]
in PSP we have
- '*'
privileged: true avoid it.
procMount: true is for nested container useful for in-cluster build process
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true for immutable container
For container and pod both
container settings will get precedence.
runAsUser and runAsGroup are runtime configuration. If not defined then UID as per data in image
If runAsNonRoot = True then image should have UID. Same UID should be in host.
level: "s0:c123,c456"
we can specify level, role, type, user. They are labels for file, process and ports. They are collectively called called "context" in SELinux terms.
type = Localhost | Unconfined | RuntimeDefault
type: Localhost
localhostProfile: profiles/name.json
where kuelet-root-dir = /var/lib/kubelet .
It is configured with seccomp-profile-root flag for kubelet. This flag is deprecited since 1.19 . If seccomp-profile-root flag is not defined, the default path will be used, which is <root-dir>/seccomp where <root-dir> is specified by the --root-dir flag.
* type: RuntimeDefault means same seccomp profile as container runtime default is applied
* type: Localhost, then only, we need to set localhostProfile
We need to use annotation (optional) localhost/profiles/audit.json
Path for seccomp profiles:
Only for Pod
the permission bit will be | with rw-rw----
ownership and permission change recursively for all content in mounted volume as per fsGroup
fsGroupChangePolicy = OnRootMismatch | Always
no impact on emptyDir, secret and configMap
OnRootMismatch: It will save time. The permission and ownership only change if root level folder has mismatch with expected fsGroup.
If DelegateFSGroupToCSIDriver feature gate is enabled then this is done by CSI driver. CSI driver will not respect fsGroupChangePolicy
A list of groups applied to the first process run in each container, in addition to the container's primary GID.
Here Discretionary Access Control (DAC) is related fields are: runAsUser, runAsGroup, runAsNonRoot, readOnlyRootFilesystem
Here volume related fields are: fsGroup and seLinuxOptions. We set only level at seLinuxOptions and as per level, labels applies to all containers and volumes.
Pod's scrutiny attributes. Defined at cluster level. It controls security sensitive aspects of the pod specification. It define a set of conditions that a pod must run with in order to be accepted into the system, as well as defaults for the related fields.
It (1) restrict pod creation (2) restrict pod update (3) provide default value
- "privileged" container (Privileged Mode). It is part of PSP. But it control container level "security context"
- host-level ns (network, PID, IPC) "hostPID", "hostIPC", "hostNetwork". If hostPID allowed then container can escalate privilege using ptrace system call.
- host ports "hostPorts"
- min: 0
max: 65535
- different types of volumes. E.g. "allowedFlexVolumes" "volumes"
- host's filesystem E.g. "fsGroup"
fsGroup = MustRunAs | MayRunAs | RunAsAny
We shall specify 1+ range if fsGroup = MustRunAs | MayRunAs. In case of MustRunAs the fsGroup at Pod Security Context is set as min value. in case of MayRunAs, the default value for fsGroup at Pod Security Context, is unset
- RO root filesystem for containers (DAC) "readOnlyRootFilesystem"
- user IDs and group IDs (DAC) "runAsUser" "runAsGroup" "supplementalGroups"
runAsUser = MustRunAs | MustRunAsNonRoot | RunAsAny
runAsGroup = MustRunAs | MayRunAs | RunAsAny
supplementalGroups = MustRunAs | MayRunAs | RunAsAny
- containers' privilege escalation "allowPrivilegeEscalation" "defaultAllowPrivilegeEscalation". Here defaultAllowPrivilegeEscalation, set values for allowPrivilegeEscalation, if not set.
- containers' Linux capabilities (Linux Capabilities): "defaultAddCapabilities", "requiredDropCapabilities", "allowedCapabilities"
- SELinux "seLinux"
RunAsAny means: Apparmor is used instead of SELinux.
- seccomp and AppArmor profiles : using annotations.
If this annotation is not specified then default seccomp cannot be changed
- sysctls that a pod can run: "forbiddenSysctls", "allowedUnsafeSysctls"
- a proc mount type to be used. "allowedProcMountTypes" and "DefaultProcMount"
# This allows "/foo", "/foo/", "/foo/bar" etc., but
# disallows "/fool", "/etc/foo" etc.
# "/foo/../" is never valid.
- pathPrefix: "/foo"
readOnly: true # only allow read-only mounts
PSP Policy Order
1. non-mutating policy in any order
2. mutating policy in alphabetical order of name
Good Reference:
A Good article:
ASLR Address Space Layout Randomization
DAC Discretionary Access Control
IMA Integrity Measurement Architecture
MAC Mandatory Access Control
PAM Pluggable Authentication Modules
7. Workload Considerations : Falco
Falco by Sysdig: multiple components (user space program, configuration, driver) working together in order to evaluate system calls against rules, and generate alerts when a rule is broken:
rule has lists. rule can have reference to list. List can be part of macro and other list, in addition to part of rule.
rule has 5 k-v pairs. (1) name, (2) description , (3) condition : Filtering expression for events. (4) output, (5) priority. (emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, informational, debug)
rule has 4 optional K-v pairs.(1) enabled. default is true (2) tags (filesystem, software_mgmt, process, database, host, shell, container, cis, users, network) . -T option to disable rules with given tag. -t option to enable. (3) warn_evttypes default is true. (4) skip-if-unknown-filter default is false. 5th one added (5) exceptions : a set of conditions that cause the rule to not generate an alert.
- Falco comes with many rules in /etc/falco/falco_rules.yaml file. They can be overwritten by /etc/falco/falco_rules.local.yaml file. E.g. to disable rule : We can add rule with same name and "append: true" + "enabled: false"
- evt.dir = < indicates end of system call and evt.dir = > indicates beginning of system call. dir = direction
- We have K8s related context: k8s.[pod | rc | svc | rs | deployment].[name | id \ label | labels] + many fields from K8s audit logs.
with macro part of rule can be re-used. There are many default macros.
Falco runs with K8s-audit on. So we need to specify audit policy file at API server argument --audit-policy-file
We can configure webhook in API server with this arguement
This YAML file shall define Config kind.
We can see Falco output with journalctl command.
Reference :
7. Workload Considerations : Tracee
Tracee (uses eBPF) :monitors system call and kernel events.
- It captures : (1) precise time stamp, (2) uts_name, (3) UID, (4) Command COMM (5) PID, (6) TID/host (7) return code, RET (8) event, and (9) arguments.
- At least 3 volume locations needed. (1) /lib/modules , (2) /usr/src , (3) /tmp/tracee Tracee provides in-depth tracing of container or pod.
Tracee has multiple options. Important ones are
list: list of system calls and other events.
trace: events. specific pid, uid, uts, mntns, pidns, command (comm), system call etc. We can use comparison operator to filer.
--trace pid=new | only trace events from new processes
--trace pid=510,1709 | only trace events from pid 510 or pid 1709
--trace p=510 --trace p=1709 | only trace events from pid 510 or pid 1709 (same as above)
--trace container=new | only trace events from newly created containers
--trace container | only trace events from containers
--trace c | only trace events from containers (same as above)
--trace '!container' | only trace events from the host
--trace uid=0 | only trace events from uid 0
--trace mntns=4026531840 | only trace events from mntns id 4026531840
--trace pidns!=4026531836 | only trace events from pidns id not equal to 4026531840
--trace 'uid>0' | only trace events from uids greater than 0
--trace 'pid>0' --trace 'pid<1000' | only trace events from pids between 0 and 1000
--trace 'u>0' --trace u!=1000 | only trace events from uids greater than 0 but not 1000
--trace event=execve,open | only trace execve and open events
--trace set=fs | trace all file-system related events
--trace s=fs --trace e!=open,openat | trace all file-system related events, but not open(at)
--trace uts!=ab356bc4dd554 | don't trace events from uts name ab356bc4dd554
--trace comm=ls | only trace events from ls command
--trace close.fd=5 | only trace 'close' events that have 'fd' equals 5
--trace openat.pathname=/tmp* | only trace 'openat' events that have 'pathname' prefixed by "/tmp"
--trace openat.pathname!=/tmp/1,/bin/ls | don't trace 'openat' events that have 'pathname' equals /tmp/1 or /bin/ls
--trace comm=bash --trace follow | trace all events that originated from bash or from one of the processes spawned by bash
--trace container=new | all the events from container created after issuing this command
5. Securing Kube-APIServer: RBAC
We can use
kubectl auth reconcile -f "filename.yaml"
to create missing objects and ns. It does not create sa
We can also run with
kubectl auth reconcile -f "filename.yaml" --dry-run=client
--remove-extra-permissions will remove extra permission in role
--remove-extra-subjects will remove extra subjects in binding
The kubectl auth reconcile command will ignore any resources that are not Role, RoleBinding, ClusterRole, and ClusterRoleBinding objects, so you can safely run reconcile on the full set of manifests. Next we can run kubectl apply command.
With kubectl apply command for rolebinding, we cannot update roleRef. it is immutable. However with this command kubectl auth reconcile, we can do it.
All the above points are applicable to ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding also.
Regardless of namespace, by default, SA with name "default" is added to pod, in all namespace.
In rolebinding if kind = User then only name is sufficinet.
- kind: User
name: dan
6. Networking : Network Policy
- We cannot use namespaceSelector, for target pod. The namespaceSelector is for (1) to and (2) from
- if we do not mention about podSelector at all, then it means none of the pod.
- if we mention empty list , then also it means none of the pod. ingress: []
- For (1) to and (2) from, if you omit specifying a namespaceSelector it does not select any namespaces, which means it will allow traffic only from the namespace the NetworkPolicy is deployed to.
To allow all traffic from current namespace
- from:
- podSelector: {}
- if we mention
ingress: {}
- {}
then it means network all pods from all namespace + outside K8s cluster
- if we mention
- from:
- namespaceSelector: {}
- All policies are add / union. So there is no chance of conflict. Whitelist can be keep growing. Traffic is allowed, if we have at least one rule, that allow the traffic.
- By default, if no policies exist in a namespace, then all ingress and egress traffic is allowed to and from pods in that namespace
- Network Policy is connection level filter. It does not apply to packets
- Network Policy does not terminate established connection.
- cluster level network policy is not part of core API. It is implemented by Calico
Best practices
1. First block all ingress/egress in a namespace
2. start whitelisting for each app
3. While applying egress rule, we have to allow DNS, as it is needed in most cases, to resolve service FQDN
- If no policyTypes are specified on a NetworkPolicy then by default Ingress will always be set
- policyTypes= Egress will be set if the NetworkPolicy has any egress rules.
This is OR condition
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: test-network-policy
namespace: default
- from:
- ipBlock:
- namespaceSelector:
- podSelector:
Here : any pod whose namespace has label key=value OR any pod with namespace of Networkpolicy (default) who has label key=value OR pod has specific IP addresss
This is AND condition
- namespaceSelector:
user: alice
role: client
This is also AND condition
- from:
- protocol: TCP
port: 6379
We have to use containerPort only.
We can have multiple rules by multiple "-from" and/or multiple "-to"
To allow all traffic from all namespace
- from:
- podSelector: {}
namespaceSelector: {}
- from:
- namespaceSelector: {}
Port is always destination port, for both ingress and egress.
We can block egress traffic go outside cluster, by (1) specifying allow to all namespace
- to:
- namespaceSelector: {}
(2) empty list
egress: []
First let's isolate Ingress and Egress both traffic to target pod as per podSelector. These pods belongs to same namespace, as the NetworkPolicy belong to. Here all pods with label role=db in default namespace are isolated.
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: test-network-policy
namespace: default
role: db
- Ingress
- Egress
8. Issue Detection
Cyber Kill Chain
- Reconnaissance
- Weaponization: Client application data file: PDF, DOC
- Delivery: E-mail attachment, wesbite, USB removable media
- Exploitation:
- Installation:
- Command and Control
- Actions on Objectives
AIDE: Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment
C2: Command and Control
COOP: COntinuity of OPeration
CVEs: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
DR: Disaster Recovery
HIDS: Host Intrusion Detection System
IDS: Intrusion Detection System
IPS: Inline Intrusion Prevention System
LM-CIRT: Lockheed Martin Computer Incident Response Team
NIDS: Network Intrusion Detection System
NSM: Network Security Monitoring
NVD: National Vulnerability Database
PIDS: Physical Intrusion Detection System
US-CERT: United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team