Pramukh Swami Maharaj

Today is birthday of HDH Pramukh Swami Maharaj. He completed 94 years today. You can get many more details, articles, books, events etc. on the web. This post is to just list out few poems. These poems are written by me. They are about HDH Swamishree. They are also the ones, who were recited in front of Swamishree. So let me share those poems. 

I stayed at BAPS hostel during college time. So I got opportunity to be blessed by His divine grace. In college time, I started writing poems. I wrote first poem on New year. Then Pujya Bapa only inspired me to write poems about Him and slowly I started writing more and more poems.
  1. Prayer 1. This is my second poem. Swamishree visited our hostel. I composed this poem. I was busy in exams. So someone else, recited this poem during morning walk of Swamishree. Later on I got feedback that He was very happy with this poem. 
  2. Prayer 3 This poem, I composed on 74th birthday of Swamishree. 
  3. Prayer 2 The 75th birthday was celebrated as Amrut Mahotsav. We all prepared a birthday card. it was pyramid shape. It had steps on it. We posted my this poem on the card. 
  4. We had special Satsang on Amrut Mahotsav. I prepared a long poem. The first one was just like prologue or preface. I borrowed the idea from symbol of Air India / Indian Airlines. 
  5. The  second one describes the present situation of common SAADHAK (seeker). 
  6. The third  one is prayer to accelerate progress on the spiritual path on this occasion of Amrut Mahotsav. 
  7. I wrote a latter to Swamishree. I was eagerly waiting for the response. I visited Akshardham Gandhinagar. I noticed Shabari in the exhibition. I wrote this poem. Shabari - a character in Ramayan - is all about infinite passion, faith and eagerness. 
  8. Lord Swaminarayan mentioned that he noticed priest's action behind the idol of Jagannatha at Puri. Just imagine, if the an idol in the temple gets speech, then what the almighty describes. This imagination is captured in "GOVINDE MAANDI GOTHADI" (the lord Krishna started conversation). In this poem, please read the below line: 
" લોકો દિવસભર છેતરે એક બીજાને
સવારમાં તેની મારાથી કરે શરૂઆત..

Swamishree commented, "if one start his any activity with God in the morning, then he can succeed well through out the day." The whole crowd laughed by listening to this wit/humor of pujya Bapa. 

So I hope, the readers of this blog must have liked this post. Stay tune for more posts on my poems and many more other interesting stuff.