Valentine's Day : Poems

After many LTE related article under "LTE NAS" and "LTE EPC" series, this is time for change. Ahhh February! … The Month of the Lovers… Valentine's Day is celebrated almost through out the world by lovers. Let me share some interesting website links.

  1. One can refer wikipedia for a long article on Valentine's day.

  1. There is a funny story about Valentine's day, which claims Valentine's day celebration started in Gujarati Patel cast. :) VelanTime-Day

  1. This year, I read an inspiring story on Valentine's day by Dr. Sharad Thakar. Here, the author narrates a story of a career oriented young boy, who focused on his study and after getting admission at IIM-A, he proposed the most beautiful girl of his college.

And now, let me share some of my romantic poems today with you all. Most of them are written in Gujarati.

  • The first one is like an "open source" love-latter. :) It is in Hindi. "MERA UNSE YAHI SAWAAL HAI" I want to ask her that only.

  • "That Rose". The first half of poem is about description of a beautiful flower rose. Second half is about struggle by rose to compete with her. That rose is nothing in front of her beauty.

  • "Mukt-Keshi" A description about a beautiful girl.

  • What happened when such beautiful girls cook? A humorous picture, of girl-friend who removes the outer skin of hot potatoes. "BATEKU CHHOLATI PRIYA"

  • And let me conclude this list with a last poem. It is also about communication. Lovers follow "Heart Protocol". Please do NOT mask me, at which OSI layers, this protocol works !!??!! Earlier blog, I addressed: "GTP is on Layer 3 or Layer 7 ? " For Hear Protocol, find out yourself. click here.

Waiting for YOUR comments about MY poems.