Bangalore Kubernetes May 2019
Posted by
Manish Panchmatia
on Thursday, May 30, 2019
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Hrishikesh Shinde talked about "Intro to sample controller"
He introduced to following github repositories
Go clients for talking to a kubernetes cluster. It implements watch.
Scheme, typing, encoding, decoding, and conversion packages for Kubernetes and Kubernetes-like API objects. It is used for filter.
Schema of the external API types that are served by the Kubernetes API server.
Golang code-generators used to implement Kubernetes-style API types.
Hrishikesh further explained his own code repository.
Build replicaset kind of k8s object. Build controller from scratch to demonstrate KuberBuilder or Operator SDK frameworks
We need to develop boiler plate code at path /pkg/apis/demo/v1alpha1/
1. doc.go
2. register.go
3. types.go
The controller takes 3 actions
1. Check for desire state
2. Strive for desire state
3. Update about resourse status using AvailableReplicaStatus variable.
Controller uses various data structures (modules) like informer, listers, reflect etc.
Hrishikesh suggested books like and others.
Slide deck
Nikhil Tomas talked about "Intro to operator SDK"
I have updated my blog "K8s Operator" with useful details.
- quick start:
- user guide:
Slide deck
Suraj Narwade gave valuable tips about CKA exam. Neependra Khare also added some more points.
One need to focus on concepts and tasks, by studying them four to five times.
Also study 4 to 5 times the course
Kubernetes - the hard way
Practise, Practise and Practise
Use GCP, AWS, minkube on Linux box or online like Katacoda and CloudYuga
Also refer my blog : Kubernetes Practicals
There will be only one termianl. So better get familar with tmux
They suggested book : Kubernetes up and runningdive into the future of infrastructure
At begining of exam set alias for various frequently used kubectl commands.
Also set auto completion of commands
Few useful blogs/URLs
Suraj's slide deck
Neependra mentioned about upcomign webinar from CloudYuga
Meetup Reference
He introduced to following github repositories
Go clients for talking to a kubernetes cluster. It implements watch.
Scheme, typing, encoding, decoding, and conversion packages for Kubernetes and Kubernetes-like API objects. It is used for filter.
Schema of the external API types that are served by the Kubernetes API server.
Golang code-generators used to implement Kubernetes-style API types.
Hrishikesh further explained his own code repository.
Build replicaset kind of k8s object. Build controller from scratch to demonstrate KuberBuilder or Operator SDK frameworks
We need to develop boiler plate code at path /pkg/apis/demo/v1alpha1/
1. doc.go
2. register.go
3. types.go
The controller takes 3 actions
1. Check for desire state
2. Strive for desire state
3. Update about resourse status using AvailableReplicaStatus variable.
Controller uses various data structures (modules) like informer, listers, reflect etc.
Hrishikesh suggested books like and others.
Slide deck
Nikhil Tomas talked about "Intro to operator SDK"
I have updated my blog "K8s Operator" with useful details.
- quick start:
- user guide:
Slide deck
Suraj Narwade gave valuable tips about CKA exam. Neependra Khare also added some more points.
One need to focus on concepts and tasks, by studying them four to five times.
Also study 4 to 5 times the course
Kubernetes - the hard way
Practise, Practise and Practise
Use GCP, AWS, minkube on Linux box or online like Katacoda and CloudYuga
Also refer my blog : Kubernetes Practicals
There will be only one termianl. So better get familar with tmux
They suggested book : Kubernetes up and runningdive into the future of infrastructure
At begining of exam set alias for various frequently used kubectl commands.
Also set auto completion of commands
Few useful blogs/URLs
Suraj's slide deck
Neependra mentioned about upcomign webinar from CloudYuga
Meetup Reference
Python : collections module
Posted by
Manish Panchmatia
on Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Comments: (0)
Full article...>>
Python has general purpose data types like dict, list, set, tuple. Collections module has following additional useful datatype
1. namedtuple
Useful to contruct objects
2. Counter
It works with string, list, and sentence. Sentence should be split with ' ' to convert into list of words.
c = Counter(list)
c.values() gives only count. So sum(c.values()) givestotal of all counts
c.most_common() sort based on frequency and return list of tuples
c.most_common()[0][0] gives the item with maximum occurance
c.most_common()[:-2:-1] gives the item with maximum occurance
c.most_common()[:-n-1:-1] gives the item with n least common elements
c.substract(d) Here is d is another Counter. The result will be frequency for each element will be substraced as per its frequency in d.
3. defaultdict(object)
It gives default empty dictionary.
4. OrderedDict
OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) to sort with key
OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: t[1])) to sort with value
5. deque
To add : append(), appendleft()
To remove : pop() , popleft()
to count: count()
To insert as specific index i : insert(i, x)
6. ChainMap
This is to join 2 dict as a list with 2 elements as dict
1. namedtuple
Useful to contruct objects
2. Counter
It works with string, list, and sentence. Sentence should be split with ' ' to convert into list of words.
c = Counter(list)
c.values() gives only count. So sum(c.values()) givestotal of all counts
c.most_common() sort based on frequency and return list of tuples
c.most_common()[0][0] gives the item with maximum occurance
c.most_common()[:-2:-1] gives the item with maximum occurance
c.most_common()[:-n-1:-1] gives the item with n least common elements
c.substract(d) Here is d is another Counter. The result will be frequency for each element will be substraced as per its frequency in d.
3. defaultdict(object)
It gives default empty dictionary.
4. OrderedDict
OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) to sort with key
OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: t[1])) to sort with value
5. deque
To add : append(), appendleft()
To remove : pop() , popleft()
to count: count()
To insert as specific index i : insert(i, x)
6. ChainMap
This is to join 2 dict as a list with 2 elements as dict
Open Container Initiative
Posted by
Manish Panchmatia
on Friday, May 3, 2019
Comments: (0)
Full article...>>
1. Image specification
An OCI Image is an ordered collection of root filesystem changes and the corresponding execution parameters for use within a container runtime
1.1 manifest
It contains metadata (annotation = key, value pair) about the contents and dependencies of the image
JSON file
1.2 image index (optional)
For platform specific version of image
1.3 image layout
1.4 file system layers
1.5 configuration
JSON file
1.6 conversion
1.7 descriptor
2. Distribution specification
It describes the API that might be used by a registry to distribute images, to easily
- share,
- search,
- obtain and
- verify
container image
It is implemented by Docker Registry and
3. Runtime Specification
It aims to specify the configuration, execution environment, and lifecycle of a container.
An OCI Image is an ordered collection of root filesystem changes and the corresponding execution parameters for use within a container runtime
1.1 manifest
It contains metadata (annotation = key, value pair) about the contents and dependencies of the image
JSON file
1.2 image index (optional)
For platform specific version of image
1.3 image layout
1.4 file system layers
1.5 configuration
JSON file
1.6 conversion
1.7 descriptor
- octool : Image validation, analysis and test
- OCT (OCI Test) It is a light weight testing framework, using ocitools and 3rd-party plugin tools
- oci-runtime-tool is a collection of tools for working with the OCI runtime specification.
- ocitools is a collection of tools for working with the OCI specification.
2. Distribution specification
It describes the API that might be used by a registry to distribute images, to easily
- share,
- search,
- obtain and
- verify
container image
It is implemented by Docker Registry and
3. Runtime Specification
It aims to specify the configuration, execution environment, and lifecycle of a container.
aims to specify the configuration, execution environment, and lifecycle of a container.
runc is Runtime specification OCI implementation
3.1 create command
3.2 create runtime environment using config.json
3.3 start command
3.4 pre-start hook
3.5 user program specified by process
3.6 post-start hook
3.7 exit due to exit, error, kill, crash
3.8 delete
3.9 destroy container. undo create
3.10 post-stop hook
CRI = Container Runtime Interface = protocol buffers + gRPC APIs + Libraries
CRI = Container Runtime Interface = protocol buffers + gRPC APIs + Libraries
Virtual Machine
Operating System level virtualization / containers / virtual private servers / virtual environments (VEs) / partitions / jails
- Docker,
- Solaris Containers,
- OpenVZ,
- Linux-VServer,
- LXC,
- AIX Workload Partitions,
- Parallels Virtuozzo Containers, and
- iCore Virtual Accounts.
with lx zones on Solaris, one can run old Solaris and Linux inside lx zones container.
Hardware-assisted virtualization
- KVM,
- VMware Workstation,
- VMware Fusion,
- Hyper-V,
- Windows Virtual PC,
- Xen,
- Parallels Desktop for Mac,
- Oracle VM Server for SPARC,
- VirtualBox and
- Parallels Workstation.
Process Virtual Machine / application virtual machine / Managed Runtime Environment (MRE)
- Java JRE Java Runetime Environment : JVM
- .NET framework CLR Common Language Runetime : Parrot Virtual Machine
System Virtual Machine
- using hypervisor